Junit Download Maven For Mac
You can download and install maven on windows, linux and MAC OS platforms. Here, we are going to learn how to install maven on windows OS.
I got maven version 2.2.1 installed on tiger. Comparing the build.xml files between the 2 versions of maven shows major changes in the build process. The pom.properties file in the meta-inf area of bootstrap is now correctly copied in the build.xml for maven 2.2.1.
To install maven on windows, you need to perform following steps:
- Download maven and extract it
- Add JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME in environment variable
- Add maven path in environment variable
- Verify Maven
1) Download Maven
To install maven on windows, you need to download apache maven first.
Download Maven latest Maven software from Download latest version of Maven
For example: apache-maven-3.1.1-bin.zip
Extract it. Now it will look like this:
2) Add MAVEN_HOME in environment variable
Right click on MyComputer ->properties ->Advanced System Settings ->Environment variables ->click new button
Now add MAVEN_HOME in variable name and path of maven in variable value. It must be the home directory of maven i.e. outer directory of bin. For example: E:apache-maven-3.1.1 .It is displayed below:
Now click on OK button.
3) Add Maven Path in environment variable
Click on new tab if path is not set, then set the path of maven. If it is set, edit the path and append the path of maven.
Here, we have installed JDK and its path is set by default, so we are going to append the path of maven.
The path of maven should be %maven home%/bin. For example, E:apache-maven-3.1.1bin .
4)Verify maven
To verify whether maven is installed or not, open the command prompt and write:
Now it will display the version of maven and jdk including the maven home and java home.
Let's see the output:
I have gotten a little further by using the version of ant (1.6.5) that is shipped with Tiger.
After adding the environment variable ANT_HOME = /Developer/Java/Ant
and ${ANT_HOME}/bin to my $PATH
How To Run Junit In Maven
I am able to start building maven 3.0.4 by typing 'ant' in the top-level directory where the maven code is located.
I had to correct a typo in the build.xml file and delete an option that only works with ant 1.7 or later.
After doing those corrections, I am able to run ant using the maven build.xml file and I now see:
/Users/mansky/Codes/Apache/Maven/apache-maven-3.0.4/build.xml:236: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/mansky/Codes/Apache/Maven/apache-maven-3.0.4/bootstrap/target/classes/ME TA-INF/maven/org.apache.maven/maven-core/pom.properties (No such file or directory)
The missing file, pom.properties, is indeed in the maven-core source code, but is not copied to the bootstrap area during the execution of the target 'generate-sources'.
That, in turn, seems to be due to the file toolchain.mdo in maven-core/src/main/mdo missing any reference to the file pom.properties. The 1 file mentioned in the maven-core toolchain.mdo file is indeed copied to the bootstrap area.
Hopefully, adding an entry to the toolchain.mdo file for the required pom.properties will allow ant to continue.
Junit Download Maven For Mac Download
Download Maven For Windows
Nov 5, 2013 7:16 AM